April 3, 2014

Get to know P.S.

Hey umm, I don't know what to call you guys...

Oh well! Let me introduce myself:
-My name is Patience.
-I live in a small town in a Midwest state.
-I love fashion, music, and all things beauty.
-I love to read
-I pride myself on my creative writing skills
-I am a strong Christian

I guess those are the basics of who I am, but I'm sure your wondering why I started a blog. I decided that I wanted to create a blog when I realized that I have many things to say, and I have the means to say it. I felt that I had something others could benefit from, as well as an opportunity to get rid of some creative energy. This is my way to vent the things that bounce around in my brain all day long. I do have a couple rules however:

1. I will make errors both in spelling and in basic grammar. (It happens to the best of us)
Don't comment! Chances are I already saw it and I am probably kicking myself for it.

2. I will tell you some things about my life that are TMI!
Don't get squeamish if I mention puke.

3. I may be irregular with my posts.
I have a busy schedule and a scrambled brain.

4. My posts may just be rants, but I'm going to tell you how I'm feeling.
Many times strong reactions bring out your honest feelings.

5. I will be COMPLETELY honest with you.
 Sometimes things happen that I would like to hold inside, but it's better to let it out.

So there you go, my " before you read" rules, and "get to know me". I'm running out of things to say...I'm sure this wasn't a very enjoyable post, but it will get better as I get used to it.

Thanks for reading Diary of a P.S.

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