April 4, 2014

Night Owl

     I am a night owl by trade. I can stay awake until all hours of the night before I even feel a "Z" coming on. However I often find myself waking up in the morning regretting the night before.

    The night usually starts off with me trying desperately to find something to fill my time. Maybe feeling a tinge of boredom, or creativity. I jump on the internet to find a tutorial, or comedy video on YouTube. Last night it just so happened I wanted to make some "distressed jeans." It started out well, and I found a lot of good information, but soon I saw a video of a cool makeup tutorial. Thats when the downward spiral begins...

     Somehow I end up on the weird side of the Tube .These videos include pimple popping and giraffes fighting with their necks. Obviously this is not what I was looking for and after noticing this I return to my original search, only to slide over to the "recommended videos" bar. Before I know it, I realize that it is 3 a.m and I have school in four hours. This is a terrible realization that causes me to question if it is even worth it to sleep.  Usually I decide that getting a few hours is better than nothing and go to bed.

    The morning after I've been up late is a curious thing that can go two ways. Either I get up feeling surprisingly spiritedly and start my day looking like I got 12 hours of sleep, Or I drag myself out of bed 10 minutes before I have to be to school, throw on some sweats and get a good messy bun going. Days like these usually end up with me doing some basic makeup in the car, and brushing my teeth at school. (Yes, I have done this)

   No matter how my morning starts, I will inevitably end up feeling the heavy lids setting in around 1:00pm, and anxiously waiting to get home and take a nap.  Upon arrival home I sloth climb the stairs to my room, and plop in my bed to sleep until my body sees it fit to wake up. It always seems to be about 3-5 hours.

    If you have never taken a 5 hour nap, you know what that does to your sleep schedule.I don't feel tired at night, so I begin the cycle again this time PROMISING myself that I will get to bed at a reasonable time. I know this won't happen though because I am a night owl, and I enjoy this sleepy cycle.

Thanks for reading Diary of a P.S

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